Rock Club Members, bring your rocks and we’ll show you what you can do with them.
Club members only. 7-9pm. For members interested in wire wrapping and/or wire weaving cabs. All members are welcome! This is a workshop where we get together to make pendants from the cabs made at the workshop and get some pointers from fellow members. Please note, this is a workshop, not a class.
Join the Sierra Pelona Rock Club.
Next Wire Wrapping Workshop— Click here to visit the calendar section for up-to-date information on all workshops and events.
Supplies – Please bring your own supplies which would include wire wrapping tools, wire and any cabs you want to wrap. These can be purchased inexpensively from local craft stores or online.
Wire Wrapping Tools: Chain Nose pliers, wire cutters, flat nose pliers, etc. These tools are unique in that their surfaces are smooth.

Wire Weaving
Wire: 20 gauge and 26 gauge wire is recommended of any color you choose.
From home: a cab (shaped and polished stone) you want to wrap.