Sierra Pelona Rock Club enjoys monthly field trips (except July and August) lead by our acting Field Trip Chairperson, or another member of the club. Field trips are usually the Saturday following the General Meeting, which falls on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. We visit local beaches, mountains and deserts. Our field trips are open to the public and we encourage all to come out and enjoy a day collecting beautiful rocks!
Join the Sierra Pelona Rock Club!
North Edwards, Gem Hill 05/20/17 |
Rose Quartz Field Trip 09/23/2017 |
Calico Nov. 19, 2016 |
Howlite Mine Field Trip 10/22/2016 |
Field Road, Yermo 09/17/2016 |
North Edwards Field Trip 05/21/2016 |
Stalactites & Cave Onyx 2015 |
North Cadys, Christmas Tree Agate, 2015 |
San Simeon Creek 2015 |
Clear Creek, Plasma Agate, 2015 |
Sharktooth Hill 2015 |
Silver Lace Onyx, Lavic Jasper 2015 |
Diablo Onyx, Ballarat Marble, Honey Onyx 2015 |
Rose Quartz Trip 2014 |
Travertine Claim Trip & Cookout 2014 |
Stoddard Well Tailgate and Field Trip 2014 |
Kramer Corner and Borax Mine Trip 2014 |
Jasper and Green Ash Hills, Early Man Site 2013 |
Gem Hill & Travertine Mine Trip 2013 |
North Edwards Claim Trip 2013 |
Moonstone Trip 2013 |
Jalama Beach 2013 |
Strawberry Onyx Trip 2013 |
Rose Quartz 2012 |